
Haiku Crazy

panting brindle sprawls
on shaded brick patio
sun and squirrels won

coffee and bagel
taste better when together
like pen and paper

smell rich emptiness
of lightly abandoned landscape
ridge runs to flake fog

The machine awakes
faces scowl nervousness
class begins today

jeweled blue reservoir
white peaks and soft green forest
chased by horsefly horde

Blueprint for Sunday -
hippy speedball draws the lines
of music for the sun

soft rhythm of sleep
curve of side gently breaths
I kiss naked hip



I realize my last entry was a little sarcastic, but don't mistake sarcasm for anger. Sure there's a little anger there but most anger comes from fear. And I'm afraid for my freedom. The freedom to be socially upwardly mobile. I come from a poor rural family. I see the middle class that I'm trying to break into slowly shrinking right before my eyes from rising education and health care costs, just to mention a couple things. All I want is to have a middle class life and some leisure time. This is American freedom. All the other stuff, like the right to vote and freedom of speech, are satellite freedoms there to protect our basic American freedom - the right to be socially mobile and enjoy god's greatest gift which is life.

The true meaning of freedom is a topic that I've been thinking about for a long time. I don't want to scare people off by screaming. I just want people to start thinking about what freedom means to them and how it needs to be protected. Freedom is truth and it cannot be protected by lies and fear.

It's time for bed. I'll have more to say on this later...

oh my god... not... BIRD FLU!!!

Look America. Look over here at the shiiinnyy bird flu. Never mind that man behind the curtain playing you like a puppet. His lies and deceit hidden in the dark won't kill you or your children. That's what the terrorists are for. But this shiny, exotic creature will. Good thing we have a national health care system that will protect all those lower class people with the sons and daughters that are fighting for our *cough* freedom. We had better deal with this future pandemic before it wipes out our future *cough* volunteer army. (Sorry, for all the coughing. I think I have bird flu) Not to mention, if the poor don't have kids, who's going to work for the stale wages eaten away by tax cuts and rising health care costs (assuming you can afford such a luxury as health care these days). Not the kids. Nobody'll be able to afford them pretty soon. If nobody has kids then who'll fight the *cough* terrorists. There's no way to win. They’re either killed by bird flu or terrorists. It's tough being the most powerful country in the world. Especially without kids.

Fuckin' bird flu. I know it can kill but so can a lie. But the lie flu will sneak up behind you, slit your achilles and leave you flopping in the dirt, bleeding to death before you realize what happened. Now that's a horrible death. When I grew up the only way to get rid of the evil lie flu was to get your mouth washed out with soap.

No... wait... Look over here. It's so shiny... It's the new evil... I declare war on bird flu. If our main man does track it down and defeat this evil where it lies than I'm sure the media will beat the shit out of it.

(And the man behind the curtain plays on... Suckers.)


Purple Responds to Red and Blue

People, please. As proper Americans you know as well as I that wars are only fought in other people's countries. True to modern America there is no critical thought within these two comments, just hateful criticism. This is an essay and creative writing blog based not an election campaign. Save your attack adds for a politician. Within these two comments all I see is red states and blue states screaming at each other.

But I will admit both comment are pretty damn funny. I definitely laughed out loud when I read them. It sounded like a couple of my buddies bustin' on each other over beers. But this exchange also sounds like what politicians are truly saying to each other and to the American people. I wish politicians would quit trying to hide this uneducated, power-drunk dialogue with their pseudo-intellectual, spin lingo.

Politicians are corrupting language by turning every word into a lie. Americans can't trust anything politicians say. Collateral damage, healthy forests initiative, tax cuts, democracy, freedom, trust and public servant are just a few words and phrases they’ve turned into lies. I hope Americans relearn how to listen soon so they will laugh both parties right out of power.

We had better vote them out of office before they realize how uninformed and complacent most of us have become. Otherwise the politician may deem us unfit to vote and decide to take that right away from us.

I love my country. It's time to take it back from drunken liars.

(Translation for the two commenters: power drunk politicians talk like meatheads in a bar picking a fight.)



If you are moved in any way by my writing please post a comment. It would be great to know that people still have a capacity for thought these days.


Goin' South


Flirtatious wind disrobes yellow dresses
As summer artfully slides to winter;
The sleepy days ask for Earl Grey tea,
Cold sunlight stretches the shadows,
Nights parch the air, leaving crystal moisture,
Song of drops become white floating silence.

The man cups his hands, turns in silence
And walks, ankle deep, in dresses
That snap and pop with lack of moisture.
He takes a deep breath and thinks of winter
Shattered red eyes hang above deep shadows
Coffee and whiskey stain his worn Tee.

Barbwire and chain link cross the T
At the end of the road. Boxcar rolls silent
Until its thunderous coupling with a shadowy
Engine. A distant yard boss dresses
Each car for travel below the blue winter
Clouds enveloping the feathery moisture.

The man leaves red moisture
On barbwire and sprints across tea
Leaves to his rust colored ticket from winter,
Into which he slides with silence.
With a dirty swath the man dresses
His hand, while smiling in the shadows.

The boss, his head in caboose shadows
And glasses fogged by breath moisture
Misses the man in salvaged dresses.
The boss signals the engineer to tee
Off with an oil stained mitt, in silent
Salute. Diesel smoke begins to battle winter

By tugging south towards mild winter
Where adobe softens the shadows;
The man dreams in nervous silence…
And put his lips to brown moisture…
And smokes the strong herb tea…
And the walls of rust with spray paint he dresses…

Each year the land dresses in lady winter
And it’s time for tea in shorter shadows.
The white moisture forever chases in silence.

(There's a picture that goes with this that I'll post in a few days. I need to edit it.)

(4/9/06 - Update - The photo is on my flickr! site.)