
Closure of an Era

As a creative writing major at the University of Montana I discovered an important part of my voice. Writing allowed me to sit with my thoughts and articulate a type of truth only uncovered by a slow and thorough reflection and exploration.

I started this blog in college. It is filled with my earlier photography, essay, poetry and lyrical prose Some of it good, some of it not so good. It is the honest development of a writing voice and photographic eye. I had fun experimenting with character, narrative, metaphor and minimalism. I expect to get the hang of this writing and photography thing in about ten more years.

Writing creatively, especially poetry, allowed me to dwell within each word, contemplating its precision through alternate and implied meanings, rhythm, emotional weight and context in the larger work. How often during the day, as we buy coffee and text message, do we think about the subconscious meanings of the words we use?

Some of my writing influences are Jack Kerouac, Ernest Hemingway, Billy Collins, Judy Blunt, Joseph Conrad, Margaret Attwood, David Sedaris, Malcolm Gladwell, Mike England and M. John Fayhee.

I feel this is a completed project, so I won't be adding anything else to this blog. Check out my newer projects over at the Traveler blog.

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