

I realize my last entry was a little sarcastic, but don't mistake sarcasm for anger. Sure there's a little anger there but most anger comes from fear. And I'm afraid for my freedom. The freedom to be socially upwardly mobile. I come from a poor rural family. I see the middle class that I'm trying to break into slowly shrinking right before my eyes from rising education and health care costs, just to mention a couple things. All I want is to have a middle class life and some leisure time. This is American freedom. All the other stuff, like the right to vote and freedom of speech, are satellite freedoms there to protect our basic American freedom - the right to be socially mobile and enjoy god's greatest gift which is life.

The true meaning of freedom is a topic that I've been thinking about for a long time. I don't want to scare people off by screaming. I just want people to start thinking about what freedom means to them and how it needs to be protected. Freedom is truth and it cannot be protected by lies and fear.

It's time for bed. I'll have more to say on this later...

1 comment:

  1. "Freedom is truth and it cannot be protected by lies and fear."

    True. But the scariest thing for me is that many of the lies the Bush Regime perpitrates, they themselves actually believe are the truth. One man's truth is another man's lie. And that kind of scariness is hard to combat.
