
Purple Responds to Red and Blue

People, please. As proper Americans you know as well as I that wars are only fought in other people's countries. True to modern America there is no critical thought within these two comments, just hateful criticism. This is an essay and creative writing blog based not an election campaign. Save your attack adds for a politician. Within these two comments all I see is red states and blue states screaming at each other.

But I will admit both comment are pretty damn funny. I definitely laughed out loud when I read them. It sounded like a couple of my buddies bustin' on each other over beers. But this exchange also sounds like what politicians are truly saying to each other and to the American people. I wish politicians would quit trying to hide this uneducated, power-drunk dialogue with their pseudo-intellectual, spin lingo.

Politicians are corrupting language by turning every word into a lie. Americans can't trust anything politicians say. Collateral damage, healthy forests initiative, tax cuts, democracy, freedom, trust and public servant are just a few words and phrases they’ve turned into lies. I hope Americans relearn how to listen soon so they will laugh both parties right out of power.

We had better vote them out of office before they realize how uninformed and complacent most of us have become. Otherwise the politician may deem us unfit to vote and decide to take that right away from us.

I love my country. It's time to take it back from drunken liars.

(Translation for the two commenters: power drunk politicians talk like meatheads in a bar picking a fight.)

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